Three fool

发布者:芒果小酪 2021-11-12 22:28 原作者: 清遥来自: 清遥原创

Three fool's of a story

On saturday evening , When my child and I was about to sleep, suddenly the phone rang。 I glanced at the mobile phone that it was a call from the boss。 After I get through, I hear said today there's an emergency, ask for each department head immediately to go to the company for the meeting。 I said no problem, will come at once, Hang after the phone, I say with child: I want to go out and you sleep first。

Moreover, I pick up a coat, walked out of the room door and loudly called the maidservant to come here。 I said that The company suddenly appeared something, I went out first, you take care of home and child。 The maidservant answered: you are busy with yours, she will take care of your home。 Afterwards, I went to the garage and the servant said be careful on the road and close the door into the room。

(The thief secretly slipped into the house when they fell asleep……(~﹃~)~zZ)

About three hours, I came home found children and maidservants are sleep。 I think everything is ok, then, I will sleep

On the third day, the child suddenly looking for last year, I gave him the gift to play, I found out after a long time, still can't find, then, give him a toy instead of it

One day, the doorbell was ringing。 After a while, the maidservant ran into my room and said, “Sir, I don’t know what happened。 The policeman is here。”

I went out。 Indeed, a policeman stood outside and behind him was a man whose face had been badly battered and whose hands were cuffed。 The policeman waved the radio in his hand and asked me, “Sir, please have a close look at it。 Is this yours?”

“No, no, we haven’t such a radio。” I shortly replied。 As a matter of fact, I bought that radio last year and sent it to my kid as a birthday present。 Above all, it was stolen before 7days ago。 All in all, For fear of incurring any troubles I didn’t want to claim for it now。

The policeman set out to point the thief and said, “He has already confessed that he climbed over the wall and stole it in your house。 Now that you disavow it, you’d better set him in person。 Not reporting the burglary or property loss to the police station is illegal。 Don’t you know any law? If you don’t attach importance to the problem and insist on your mistake, please follow me to the police station where you can talk about your reasons。 We’ll record your words and the case will be transferred to the legal court。” He said in an arrogant manner。 (伤感日志文章

“Sir, you are a sensible man, obviously, we can settle it here if you like。 I don’t feel like beating about the bush。 Let me put it directly: As long as you give me 20,000 penny as the close-case fee。 Look, what a simple method!”

“It is too much。 Charge me less, OK? You know a new radio of that kind only costs 10,000 penny。” “A penny less is impossible。 No bargain。 We are not doing business trade here。 You’d better know I am here to relieve you of your trouble, namely, I am saving you。” How fair-sounding!

“Impossible! The radio is the material evidence。 Without it how could I catch him?” The policeman turned his head and looked at the thief。

I was down on my luck! The stolen radio was gone, plus, I was blackmailed for 20,000 penny。

Taking over the money, the policeman set out to count it in front of me。 Having finished counting, he said to me, “Thanks! If the similar thing happens in the future, don’t forget to report it to the police station。 Please bear it in mind。” Afterwards, the police finally left。 Everyone knew that the case-reporting cost money!

I said nothing to him, but turned to pour my whammy and anger onto that thief。 Pointing at his nose, I shouted, “In the future, if you have an opportunity to climb over the wall and steal in my house, do remember not to be tracked down by the police。 Please bear it in mind。”

A few months later, the superior leadership knew this matter。 They thought the police on this matter itself did not lead people and receive money that they dismissed him。 The thief was sent to prison, the author has also been criticized 。

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