
发布者:一叶知秋 2021-11-12 22:03 原作者: deeplink来自: deeplink原创

With time going by,i can't even figure it out that how and when i fall in love with you,yet what i am fully sure is that all of it is just so damn true that it seems like just happened not long ago。but it is possible for me to accept the idea that it won't last long for i have founded that your smile gradually faded away from my mind deep in side。by the time it totally disappeare will i hold that i will forget you all,even your look,even the way you talk ,just like we have never ever met with each other,just like i am what i am now merely because of me alone,just like an unforgetable travel to a beautiful place far far away,just like a warm dream in which i really deserved all the time i spent there,however,travel ends,dream stops,as i wake up,as i come back to me ,myself again,as i live from dying painfully,finally。

Were there really something should i apologize for,i point that it is love but you;were there really something should i trust in,i view that it is love but you;were there really something should i cherish much,i hold that it is love but you。

I used to reckon that there is nothing for sure in the world yet now i think i find one,that is,there is not even half a chance for you to seek happiness of your life with your Mr(Miss) wrong!not even one,not even close。

It is not in that i am lack of perseverance to stick to the end but that i can't find a single reason to do so。from then on i changed my attitude to the things i confront:i do things following my heart rather than my desires,i see things with my mind rather than my eyes,so i know what i really want among desires,so i get what things really are beyond what i see。 and my heart tells me :TIME UP!so this is the ending,not happy,yet valued much。 i just leave it all to time。

Though it has been years since i headed to find the difinition,the truth,the meaning of love,still,i did not manage to get it through。embrace?hand-in-hand?kiss?they are parts of it to their strongest form,moreover,they are just natural outcomes of love,but love is absolutely,definitely not the point of this。it is so strange that you can not harness even one aspect of love without knowing what it is。it is sweet but bitter,gentle but painful,graceful but heart-broken;it is sweet torment,sugar-coated drug,bittersweet drink。but what the hell is it?no one answers,no one tells,and maybe,no one knows。probably it needs the whole of your life to find,to discover,to prove,to show what it is。frankly,suddenly i get my inspiration of the best difinition of love,that is,love is a permanent expectation which may well upset but seems like a little tiny weak spark in the dead dark night。after all,half of a loaf is better than nothing。

So before love comes you had better wait patiently for starting a relationship for sake of loneliness violates the pure meaning of love,and mostly,gets an early end。 when god answers your pray and you find your 'the one',just step up straight,put your hands on her(his) shoulders,look in her(his) eyes,and say gently:"hey,girlie(lad),i think that you are made for me"……



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