The Day of Open Courtyards

发布者:十日谈 2021-11-12 22:49 原作者: 清遥来自: 清遥原创

Pecs’s inner city has a unique urban structure,not many Hungarian cities are like this。 You can stroll around in downtown for hours in its beautiful narrow streets and alleys guarded by old houses on the sides。 Sometimes you can even find these alleys a bit claustrophobic。 This Saturday there will be a whole-day program in several points of this city。 Moreover,at the weekend, we went to some large and beautiful places of Pecs

There were five places in our project。 We found all of the places started their activities at 11am except one。 The first place to visit was CSINOS PRESSO_ an open-air pub popular among university students(VARADIANTAL u。8)。It was a busy place。 We asked several people passing by to help us to find the gate 。We had to go through a dark corridor 。Then,we saw a large market- like place。 There were many different kinds of fresh fruit, flowers and jewelry, such as apple, grape, Roses, bracelets necklaces and earrings and so on。 Therefore, we could buy what we liked。 Then, turning a corner, we saw a big stage。 Many boys and girls were dancing in bizarrely unfamiliar clothes。 I also took pictures of them, we really enjoyed their show。

Next, we arrived at the HATTYU UDVAR(KIRALY u。15)。The atmosphere was really cold and cheerless 。There were only a few people, one of the men told us that the place was where people could play table games, and that they were expecting others to come and visit。

As our third destination, we reached one of the private courtyards at ISTVAN U。14。There was a small painting studio。 The first time I saw the door and the surroundings, I thought it was dirty and poor。 We were very curious why there are people liked to gather around here。 But after entering the house, we understood the reason。 The place had an air of freedom around。 People exchanged their opinions and ideas about paintings。 We believe, they drew pictures on the ground or on papers。 I thought they drew them without any special topic: the paintings might have represented their moods at the time。 They were very friendly and asked whether we wanted to have coffee or green tea。 We have seen some graffiti on the walls too。 I drew a bird on the ground, we all laughed。

Our next stop was NICK UDVAR (KIRALY u。1)-Nick UNVAR is a building on the main square in Pecs; it was a shopping center in the 19th century but now it stands empty except for one art gallery。 We found fund-raising activity。 We spent several hours looking at the beautiful architecture and enjoying the fantastic exhibits。 There was a board saying "Thank you for your Donation "We saw the house was very warm and old。 At first, we didn't know whether we could take photos, so, I asked the owner, and I got his permission 。While in my China, sometimes, it is forbidden to take photos without their permission。 Furthermore, we must respect other countries culture。 There were stars around the wall, different shape of desk and chair, the room was decorated just like a home。 Anyone who comes into the house will feel like home, especially those people who have lived abroad for several years, and missed their families。 So, it is a good way to comfort them。 We were so excited。

Last but not least, we went to another private courtyard MAGANUDVAR at JOZSEF u。7。 There was a small yard, people could try different kinds of traditional craftworks 。You could also prepare food that you liked。 The hostess was very nice, she invited us to taste her delicious food, and also took us to visit the crafts studio。 The atmosphere was wonderful。 The yard was surrounded by green trees and green plant on the wall。 XieDan who really likes children took photos with two boys。 However, the boys were rather shy。 As for me, the best attraction was food。 I liked water and bread because the long walk we had done already。 When JiQi went into the house, she found a boy younger than her in the kitchen preparing something red。 She walked to him and tasted the red food, oh, it tasted really weird! And we could not figure out what that was。 She suggested taking photos with him, he looked happy!

The old city center of Pecs is beautiful and worth a visit。

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