Everything has gone.

发布者:匆匆过客 2021-11-12 22:19 原作者: Nevertheless来自: Nevertheless原创

Sometimes life likes taking challenges,breaking my heart into pieces and tearing my soul apart。When everything belonging to me disappeared in a second,sorrows flooding me,perhaps I am always the one who is to be destroyed。

After several days of getting stuck in the sadness,I start to realize that I must be brave enough to face the reality which builds me up。

One day you told me I was not the one who satisfied your heart,nor the one who you wanted to stay with forever。You were just calm and confirm,and from your eyes I knew I was kicked out。Tears were rolling in my eyes ,but they didn’t fall down。I had tried everything I could to call the love back but in vain,so I cleared my mind and give up。

Sometimes life without you seems unbearable,body getting weak and spirits going down。When I am still nostalgic for those happy times with you,laughter coming on,I am always the one knocked down。

To be honest,the word that you fell in love with him made me crazy。I was so afraid that I chose to hide me somewhere you didn’t know。I failed to fall asleep and concentrate on what I should do。One day when I saw you stay together happily,I just felt that it was the end of my world。

Sometimes I love to read those letters which you wrote to me,feeling the love and recalling your sweet smile。When these just turn into the memories of myself,leaves falling down,you are never the one I have ever owned。

Little did you know how much I love you,so you believe the lie that I haven’t loved you easily。

Little did you know how much I need you,so you thought I would be back to life in a short time。

Little did you know how happy I was when I saw your sweet smile,so you just considered me to be the one with a cold heart。 (爱情故事 www.lingdz.com)

Little did you know how much I miss and care about you,so you just told the world that you loved someone else。

Sometimes caring for you makes my life meaningful,adding happiness to my world and giving me the motivation to overcome difficulties。When you stare at me and say you love me,heart melting,I think I am the happiest one in the world。

Once I would satisfy your every demand whether sending ice cream at night or keeping the promise that I will be there for you forever。You said I mustn’t fall in love with someone else,and I did。You said how much you depended on me and couldn’t bear the sadness of leaving me,so however angry I was ,I never wanted to you to be alone。

Sometimes kisses from you brighten my world,removing sufferings and offering me courage。When I make up my mind to marry you when I grow up,wind blowing up your hair softly,I believe you are the goddess who I have been chasing for。

Once you begged for the TOTORO you are always crazy for,seeing your poor expression,I have no season to refuse it。By the time you got it,you couldn’t hold back the happiness and wore a bright smile。I couldn’t tell what the feeling really was,because I was frozen by your cuteness。

Sometimes love seems to avoid encountering me,confusing my mind and making me narrowly lose the one I was to give my heart。When I threw everything and chose you as the only one,you sleeping against my shoulder,that night I thought you were sure the one who needed me the most。

Remember where we had our first date?You came to meet me and we sat on a bench。 We talked about something and then you felt sleepy and napped against my shoulder。That’s where I found my love and turned determined。

Now I lose the right to take care of you,but I wish you happiness。Maybe one day,my love will be back。



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