
发布者:春色红杏 2023-8-13 12:28































True water has no fragrance


In the museum, I saw the seal of a qing dynasty, which was engraved with four words "true water without fragrance". I am completely ignorant of the cultural relics and the stone, and I do not know that this is the author CAI ren's husband zi tao, or there is another source, but silently read these four words, just like in the full moon night into the empty house, clear moonlight in a moment, immersed in the heart. For a moment there was a inexplicable move, very much want to say, do not know who to say, from where to start. How many famous quotes and aphorism are wise, but what sentence is more peaceful, thorough and clear than "true water without fragrance"? Those famous sayings and sayings, often teach people to forge forward, urge people to struggle, is there is a goal to fight, and "true water without fragrance" is no goal, also indisputable, just a state: natural, calm, clear, indifferent, boundless. That's great wisdom. When I came back, I thought these words over and over and over again. Read an essay, which refers to the Japanese classic "in vain grass", is listening to ye tian qian good in it said: how stupid life is to pursue money, the pursuit of status and reputation is equally unwise. It was found by accident that "real people, no wisdom, no virtue, no merit, no merit, no name. Who can tell the story of such real people? What I want to find, in the "grass in vain" waiting for me, real people do not matter wisdom, no character, no reputation, more does not matter fame, no wonder "name" word is often connected with "empty" word, called "false name", but "evil" is "real disaster". And those who transcend the realm of good and good gain and loss, we have no way of knowing or knowing. Fame and fame are like fragrance, so that we can understand some of the best of the ancient people, but those who are truly wise and wise and beyond the world are like pure water, which has no fragrance, let alone flutter near and near. We never know that man can be so pure and so clear unless he is in touch with them. But is such a man that we may hear his name and see him? What we can admire and follow is nothing more than incense and famous people. If we refuse, then we have nothing to admire and follow, and a place in our hearts can only be empty forever. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) ( The real water was fragrant and we went in the opposite direction as soon as we left. But if we do not set off, perhaps it is not pure water, we might as well seek some aroma and hide the turbidity. To be light, to be thorough, is to want big capital money, and is born, unenforceable. It's sad to think about it. Real water is fragrant. That's it. The words are full, but also the end. It is both the meaning of high and high, and the meaning of man to see, to water to clear. Suddenly wonder, how can I think of "real water"? To think about it, the original two unrelated parts are hidden in a wonderful () () :" true water has no fragrance ", and the next ", "real person is unknown". Time and space have crossed a long way, really far away, mysterious infinite. The wonderful lian tiancheng, but should use what kind of paper and ink to write is appropriate, who can write can spread these words of the charm? If there is a seamless link, who deserves to hang it in his own place? I am afraid that no one will force a man from his body. Is it not elegant, but evil? Some words and things, maybe never know good. [heart appreciation] the four words "true water without fragrance" on an ancient seal triggered the author's thought. The author is like a philosopher who has returned to the mountains and forests after life's ups and downs, trying to explain a way of being in the most advanced world. But in today's materialistic world, who can not touch the gas of fame? At the end of the article, "there are words and things that may never be known." There was a hint of helplessness in this remark. Qian zhongshu is indifferent to fame and fortune Mr. Qian zhongshu, a literary master, is a man who is "willing to be lonely". He is most afraid of publicity, not to appear in the press. His "siege" was published and caused a sensation at home and abroad. One day, a British woman called. She liked the siege. She wanted to see Mr. Qian. "If you eat an egg, why should you know the hen that lays an egg?" Princeton university once offered $160,000 to teach for half a year, with a full board and accommodation to go with his wife. What's more, the university only requires him to teach once a week, 40 minutes at a time, and only 12 times a year, which is almost amazing. But qian zhong book is not moved. There are few characters who retire from seclusion Rare is the first student of huangpu military academy, once served in the kuomintang army. After a long period of war and the ups and downs of the eunuexchange, he gradually saw through his first half of his career in fame and fame. In the autumn of 1949, he resigned as army chief, withdrew from the kuomintang army, refused to accept the order of Chiang kai-shek to flee to Taiwan, and took refuge in Hong Kong. From then on, he did not attend any political gatherings and social activities, did not meet with any journalists, and cut off all the old ties with the party, government and army, all day long Read and write for pleasure. Chiang kai-shek and Chiang jianguo had invited him to serve in Taiwan several times, and he declined with high officials. He died from the age of 44 to 75, and lived in a quiet seclusive life. The curies see fame as clouds The curies are both famous scientists in the world. Madame Curie is the only female scientist who has won the Nobel Prize twice in the world, but they live frugally and do not want fame and fortune. MEDALS and MEDALS are symbols of honor, perhaps the treasures that many people dream of, but curies see as waste. In 1902, Mr. Curie received a notice from the college of science of the university of the republic of France, saying that he would apply to the ministry and award him the medal of honor in recognition of his contributions to science. Ask him not to refuse. After discussing it with her, Curie wrote a reply :" please express my gratitude on behalf of the minister. Please inform me that I have no interest in the medal. I only need a laboratory." A friend of Madame Curie's friend was invited to her house, and when she came in, she saw her little daughter playing with a gold medal that the royal society had just given her. Madame Curie said, "it is to let the child know honor when he is a child. It is just a toy. Curie, pay attention to career, indifferent to fame and fortune. [enlightenment] the above celebrities can achieve indifference to fame and fortune, not surprise. The more "celebrities" seem to be "indifferent". Indifference, as a kind of life attitude, shows a kind of detachment, is a kind of life realm. The so-called "no peace is quiet, not indifferent is no Ming zhi", deeply expressed the open-minded and detached (not for the immediate fame and fame and lu and tired, quiet and calm, in order to recuperate the heart, in order to gradually the deeper realm of life.


Share over. Thanks for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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