
发布者:抹茶味 2023-7-30 15:24


















【心赏】这是一篇优美的散文。文章抓住夏天的热烈和充满紧张、急促的旋律的特点,描绘了金黄色的大地上暑气蒸腾、麦浪翻滚、万物蓬勃生长的景象,表达了对夏天的喜爱之情,深情赞美了辛 劳作的农民。










Today is Thursday, July 27, 2023, and it's sunny.

Today I also remember some words, the main task is to study, brush some classes, read some articles, practice the word.

A little sentimental lately, it may be the reason why you've been on fire lately.

Feel the time again, feel that today is a very fast, time is inadvertently run away. It reminds me that "time is like water, running into the sea, and it never comes back.

Time is like clouds, the wind passes, gradually go away.

Looking back is like the sand in the palm of the hand, passing between the fingers. I also read a lot of articles today, so it's time to share them again.

First of all, because today's articles are about summer.

So do you have anything to share in the summer? I'll share articles first. The topic of the article Shared today is "feeling of summer".

Read beautifully Summer feeling Beam balance Full of summer was a tense, warm, hurried melody.

As if a pot of cold water on the stove is gradually foaming, steaming and finally boiling, the hillside of the white grass gradually into a thick thick hair, the light green smoke on the forest belt also condense into a long wall.

The bees and butterflies dance are rare, but they get annoying cicadas.

There is a long sound between the potential leaves.

The red sun was baking a golden earth, the wheat waves rolling, beating the mountains in the distance, the clouds in the sky, and beating the cars on the roads, like ships rushing by the waves.

The gold dominated everything in the world, and the hot wind floated over the fields, blowing with ripe wheat.

After half a year's savings, the spirit of the spring had become a great force, rolling in the fields, rising between heaven and earth.

Summer is here. The colors of summer are golden.

From the point of view of painting, this is about the truth.

The color of spring is cold green, such as blue waves, such as young bamboo, full of hope;

The color of autumn is hot red, like the sunset, like red leaves, which marks the ultimate of things.

When spring and autumn are between, nature should be this neutral yellow, harvest has and hope has not been completed, is a busy season that connects the past, the future, the alternate life.

You see, the wheat has just been cut, and the cotton seedlings with seven or eight green leaves in the field, the sorghum and corn, which are lifted up in the air, and the plants that are creeping on the ground, burst out with vitality.

At this time, they were not long in the spring breeze in the slight rain, but in the heat of the transpiration, shaggy hair, to the end of the autumn to make the final sprint.

The melody of summer is tense, and every nerve of people is tensed. Look at the sickle farmers in the field, bending, sweating, just thinking about cutting, cutting;

The wheat came on, and thought about the quick, the fast. They get up early and go to bed late, and wake up in the middle of the night and listen to the window paper.

Look out of the window, the sky is covered with clouds.

The wheat was finished, it was time to breathe a sigh of relief, and he had to go quickly to feed the autumn seedlings and water them. "The tian family has few leisure months, may people twice as busy", their shoulders pick summer and autumn two seasons.

Unfortunately, dynasties of literati did not know how many spring flowers and autumn moon they wrote, but there were few shadows of summer.

Maybe, spring melt, eye beat Dan Dan, and summer, always immersed in bitter sweat.

People who have leisure and ease naturally do not like this nervous melody.

I want to praise the golden summer between spring and autumn. This is a beautiful prose.

This paper captures the warm and tense and rapid melody of summer, depicts the golden land scenery of transpiration, wheat wave rolling, all things growing vigorously, expresses the love of summer, affectionately praises the peasants who are working. In the poet and writer's pen, summer is not a favorite season.

Liang cheng, however, dared to take on the new curiosity and said from the words of silence, "loudly praise the golden summer between spring and autumn". It is important to note that the compliment itself deserves our praise. And he made in this work in the editing realm, rich contain shau and gao zhi beauty, his yinhua tu beautiful language, more sincerely impressed. The feeling of summer is indeed a rare piece of contemporary prose.

Ancient classical allusions He is the proud son of summer, he is the gentleman of water.

All the flowers of this season have lost their color compared to it; There are no other flowers in this season, and they can get so much praise as people. "To the alone ailian out of the silt and not dye, not wash the peace and not the demon", the northern song philosopher zhou duyi this ancient song song song, said the lotus in the silt but can clean and clean, often wash in the qing bo but can not be charming gentleman character.

It is the lotus this noble, simple, pure lotus beauty, rhyme, evoking countless literati and poets to admire lotus reveries.

Breeze shake purple leaves, light dew in zhu room. The middle pool is so green, wait for me lowe Red light -- (liang in the south) shen yu "yong hibiscus"

Autumn flowers bloom green water, dense leaves blue smoke. Beautiful color powder, sweet fragrance who is the transmission? "-- (tang) li bai," ancient wind (26th)

The green pond shake yanguine, the blue rim into the white hole. . God wave socks, so far lotus stamen has incense dust. -- (tang) wentingjun "lotus"


That's all. See you next time.

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