1. 心即理也。心外无理,心外无物,心外无事。(The heart is the essence of reason. There is no reason outside the heart, no objects or events outside the heart either.)
2. 破山中贼易,破心中贼难。(It's easier to defeat the thieves in the mountains than to conquer the thieves in one's heart.)
3. 天地虽大,但有一念向善,心存良知,虽凡夫俗子,皆可为圣贤。(Although the world is vast, if one has a thought of doing good and possesses conscience, even an ordinary person can become a saint.)
4. 你未看此花时,此花与汝心同归于寂;你来看此花时,则此花颜色一时明。(When you haven't seen this flower, it is as if it doesn't exist; but when you look at it, its color becomes instantly vivid.)
5. 圣人之道,吾性自足,向之求理于事物者误也。(The way of saints is already sufficient within us; seeking reason in things outside ourselves is a mistake.)