1. 凡事皆有可能,只要你愿意。
Everything is possible, as long as you are willing.
2. 当你坚信自己会成功时,就一定会成功。
When you believe in yourself, you will succeed.
3. 逆境会使我们更加坚强。
Adversity makes us stronger.
4. 坚强并不是没有难过过,只是难过时你选择了微笑面对。
Being strong is not about never feeling sad, but choosing to smile even when you do.
5. 人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。
There are no dress rehearsals in life, every day is a live show.
1. 在风雨中不停前行,因为有你自己为自己撑伞。
Keep moving forward in the storm, because you have yourself to hold an umbrella for you.
2. 当你感到迷茫时,请记得你一直在路上。
When you feel lost, always remember that you are always on the way.
3. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是放弃。
Failure is not scary, giving up is.
4. 生命短暂,青春有限,我们必须在这一瞬间勇敢地活下去。
Life is short, youth is limited, we must live bravely in this moment.
5. 不要拘泥于过去,因为未来依旧美好可期。
Do not dwell on the past, because the future is still beautiful and promising.