Constructivism learning theory and English teaching

发布者:书海拾贝者 2022-1-28 05:12 原作者: 小叶


The traditional English teaching model has been unable to meet the needs of the times. The roles of teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning have also undergone fundamental changes. Now more emphasis is placed on the "student-centered" teaching model of students as the main body of learning. Based on the constructivist learning theory, we carefully explore the learning characteristics of students, and combined with the basic concept of English teaching, put forward the Enlightenment of constructivist learning theory to English teachers.

[Key words] Constructivist learning theory English teaching model

For a long time, China's English teaching model has been teacher-centered, focusing on Teachers' explanation and analysis, supplemented by students' memory and practice. However, English learning is not only a process of knowledge transmission and acceptance, but also a process of active acquisition and application of knowledge in practice. The process of knowledge acquisition is a process of constantly generating problems, analyzing problems, solving problems and forming new cognitive structure. In this learning process, students need to give full play to their subjective initiative, and there is no doubt about the status of English teachers. Therefore, the following is based on the constructivist learning theory by analyzing the sex proportion of students' learning. Chinese constructivist learning theory enlightens English teachers.

Ⅰ. The basic content of Constructivist Learning Theory

Constructivism, also translated as structuralism, is a branch of cognitive psychology. The driest proponent is J. Piaget of Switzerland. Its foundation theory comes from the theory of children's cognitive development. Constructivism holds that individual cognitive development is closely related to the learning process, and cognitive development is carried out through assimilation and adaptation. Constructivism can better explain the cognitive law of human learning process, and structuralism can form a more effective learning environment.

Constructivism puts forward that learning is a process in which learners actively construct knowledge, rather than a process of acquiring knowledge through teachers. Therefore, in constructivist learning theory, "situation", "cooperation", "conversation" and "meaning construction" are regarded as four elements or four attributes in the learning environment. Further speaking, learning is mainly the process of the interaction between the original knowledge and experience and the knowledge to be constructed, as well as the assimilation and adaptation of the cognitive structure; When learners enter the classroom, they have formed various understandings of society, their own perceptual experience and formed a certain cognitive structure.

Ⅱ.Students' learning characteristics based on Constructivist Learning Theory

According to constructivist learning theory, learners' learning characteristics are mainly as follows: learners are the main body of information processing and the active constructor of knowledge meaning, which forms personalized learning methods and develops learners' autonomous ability. The following will start with the following aspects to analyze the learning characteristics of students.

1.1. In the process of learning, learners are no longer passive recipients of knowledge, but active participants of knowledge and active constructors of meaning. Only through learners' active construction can external information become their own knowledge. The ultimate goal of learners is to find the nature and laws of things and the relationship between things

1.2. Only through social consultation can learners reach a consensus and complete the specified tasks, because each learner has its own cognitive structure and different learners have different understanding of the real world. When the information obtained by learners in learning does not match the real world, or there is friction between learners, it must be solved through negotiation.

1.3. Learners are inseparable from conversation, which is not only a way of negotiation, but also the transmission of meaning; The way of reaching. Conversation is an essential link in the process of learners' communication, resource sharing, plan formulation and task completion.

1.4. Learners learn in the real world situation. Only in this situation can learners use their knowledge to solve problems in the real world and find ways to use their own knowledge structure to solve practical problems, so as to make learning more effective.

It is concluded that when learners deal with and transform knowledge, they need to give full play to their subjective initiative, not only to explore and discover the significance of self constructing knowledge; We should also try to connect the current learning content with the content we already know, seriously think about this connection and closely combine it with practice.

Ⅲ、 The inspiration of constructivist learning theory to English teachers

In English teaching, the purpose of teaching is to develop students' language skills and learning skills. The learning method advocated by constructivist learning theory is student-centered learning under the guidance of teachers. "Student centered" actually puts forward higher requirements for English teachers. Teachers are no longer simple knowledge communicators, but tutors, guides, helpers and collaborators of students' learning. English teachers play multiple roles in the whole process of English teaching.

1.1. Teachers should establish the dominant position of students in teaching and respect their Personality differences. Traditional English teaching is teacher centered. Teachers mainly focus on intensive speaking, carefully teach vocabulary, grammar and other language knowledge, and input all-round language to students. According to constructivist learning theory, learners are the active builders of knowledge, and learners are the main body of the classroom. This requires teachers to change their classroom roles, stimulate students' learning motivation, mobilize their enthusiasm and give students sufficient learning space. In addition, the purpose of English teaching is to cultivate students' comprehensive language application ability, that is, the five skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. Different students have different learning styles, strategies and methods. For example, some students are used to watching, some students are used to listening, and some students are used to reading. Each learning style and learning strategy can achieve good results. Teachers should respect students' own choices and let students choose their own learning methods independently, so as to improve their language practical ability.

1.2. Teachers should organize collaborative learning, discussion and exchange when possible. In traditional teaching, in order to improve students' thinking ability, they usually advocate "independent thinking", which exercises students' ability to solve problems independently, but each learner only carries out their own information processing in their own learning space, and their observation ability, cooperation ability and communication ability have not been developed, especially in English language learning for the purpose of communication. Constructivist learning theory emphasizes the importance of cooperative conversation between teachers and students and between students. Therefore, teachers should encourage students to use their language knowledge, communicate effectively in specific situations, and organize students' cooperative learning.

1.3. Teachers should set the teaching of language knowledge in a specific language situation, urge students to connect the new knowledge with the original knowledge, and endow the new knowledge with some meaning. In traditional teaching, vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammar are always taught in a single - situation, ignoring the flexible use of English in different situations under real conditions. Constructivist learning theory holds that learning is carried out in a certain situation, that is, under the social and cultural background. It is very necessary to create a situation in English teaching. Situational teaching can stimulate students' imagination, and learners can use relevant experience to understand the new knowledge they have learned, such as learning. Teachers put the learning environment. In the situation consistent with the reality, it not only encourages learners to explore, but also allows students to explore in different situations Learn to use the language knowledge and skills learned in communication situations.

In short, English is a practical basic course. The mastery of language skills depends on students' individual practice, and the teaching effect largely depends on students' subjective initiative and participation. Constructivist learning theory plays a great guiding role in English teaching, emphasizing that students are subjects and meaning constructors; It emphasizes that teachers should be student-centered in the teaching process, create situations, and encourage students' cooperative learning and conversational communication. Based on constructivist learning theory, English teachers must change their roles in English teaching, take students as the center, contact the actual situation, and encourage students' conversational communication and cooperation. They should not only meet students' learning requirements, but also effectively cultivate students' autonomous learning ability and autonomous knowledge construction ability, so as to meet the new requirements for talent training in the new era.

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