
发布者:落花幽梦 2022-7-5 05:12 来自: 网络


关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇1




首先,将提前选好的心形的蛋糕坯子放在在转盘上,用勺子拿起奶油往上面涂着,再取出一些果肉,放在奶油上,然后在奶油上涂一涂,接着,又拿起一大片蛋糕盖上去,再按刚才的方法做,放上一层布丁,就这样一层一层地放上去。最后,拿起奶油在蛋糕周围涂起来,为了使蛋糕更光滑,师傅把刀贴在奶油的表面, 转动着转盘。我们看着师傅做起来非常熟练,感到也不是太难的,立即跃跃欲试一个接着一个的学着做,但是就是做不好,不是这儿少一块,就是那儿弄花了,我们手忙脚乱的,不知该怎样才能把奶油抹均匀。后来还是在师傅的帮助下才基本完成第一步工作。接着蛋糕师傅又拿起刮齿,在蛋糕上溜冰似的滑起来。刮好后,她让我们自己尝试着去做。听到这句话后,我们兴高采烈、争先恐后地跑了上去,拿起奶油放在一个圆锥形的塑料纸里,开始忙碌起来,可惜怎么都做不好。中途我忍不住偷偷用小拇指蘸了点奶油放进嘴里,哇,真甜啊!好不容易一个美丽的蛋糕基本做好了,紧接着又在上面做上歪歪扭扭的花朵装饰,最后在上面放上“happy birthday”的巧克力牌子,终于大功告成了!


关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇2




关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇3

◆您现在正在阅读的我的英语老师my english teacher文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

我的英语老师my english teacher

in my life, ms. wang is the most important person to me. her teaching skills are diverse. in class, she usually uses games and posters. she works hard for us. when other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. when we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

we are really grateful for what she has done for us. we want to say ”thank you” to her.

关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇4

An Unforgettable Experience

Everyone has some unforgettable experiences. I will never forget my first volunteer work.

Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there. First, we gave away some books and stationery to them. Then we talked about school life. I was quite shy before, but to my surprise. I talked with some students for almost an hour without intermission. I shared my effective study methods with them excitedly. Finally, we played games together. All of us felt so happy.

By doing the volunteer work. I not only gained happiness, but also became more confident. It made me experience that giving is receiving.

关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇5

◆您现在正在阅读的这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

这就是我的英语老师(this is my english teacher)

she is 23 years old . she has got long hair . she has got small body ; her feet are small ; her eyes are big ; her hands are big ; her ears are small . she is beautiful . i love my english teacher !

关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇6



关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇7

◆您现在正在阅读的我的英语课堂(my english classroom)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!

我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

我的英语课堂(my english classroom)

this is my english classroom . it is not big and not small . we usually study in the classroom .

there is a blackboard in front of the classroom .it is not big ,but it is helpful .my english teacher usually writes some english letter .the air-conditioner is on the right in the wall .it is white .in summer ,it is cool to us .there is a clock on the behind wall .it is blue and cute .it tells us the time .there are three long desks in middle of the classroom and there are three small desks on the right in the classroom .

look !this is my classroom .i like it.

关于蛋糕的来历的英语作文 篇8


Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festivals, began in the Spring and Autumn period, has been 2000 years of history. Dragon Boat Festival originated from Qu Yuan's story: Qu Yuan advocated by the virtuous and Empowerment, Fuguoqiangbing, advocated joint Qi Kang Qin, it was noble son of Lan and others strongly opposed, the result being greedy Qu Yuan has resigned, and was driven out of capital, exiled to Yuan, Xiang River. 278 BC, the Qin break Chu Kyoto. Qu Yuan saw their country invaded, Xinrudaoge, but still could not bear to give up their own country, in the May 5, the pen never wrote a "Huaisha", the bouldering vote Miluo River body death, taking our own lives composed a magnificent song of patriotism movement. Legend of Qu Yuan's death, the state of Chu people abnormal grief, have rushed to pay tribute to Qu Yuan Miluo River. Fishermen are drawn from the vessel, in the river salvage his real body back and forth. One fisherman come prepared for Qu Yuan's rice balls, eggs and other food, "thump, thump" land thrown into the river, saying it was fed to fish, crab, lobster, they will not bite Qu doctor's health. People see below followed suit. An old doctor was brought an altar Announcements, updates, poured into the river, saying that the water should be drug halo dragon beast, so as not to hurt the doctor bent. Later, as the dragon balls for fear of food, people come up with neem leaves Ssambap, outer wrapped wire color has developed into zongzi. After the fifth day of May of each year, there is a dragon boat races, eating dumplings, drink Announcements, updates, customs, in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Dragon Boat Festival is a tradition to eat dumplings. Whenever the fifth day of May, my mother would pack a number of dumplings, let us satisfy their appetites. Mama's dumplings packages are particularly tasty, one end of the table, the smell of the fragrance comes, I will be devoured his brother and Dad have to eat, will not rest until eat.

The Dragon Boat Festival kids wear Sachet, legends evil blast meaning flooding, is actually a window dressing for the first lapel. Sachet containing cinnabar, realgar, incense medicine, outsourcing to cloth, fragrance lovers, and then to buckle into a five-color silk string cable for a variety of different shapes, form a string, all kinds, cute.

Wearing a sachet, relish in eating the fragrant rice dumplings, the Dragon Boat Festival, I have more heart indescribably happy. Today, Dragon Boat Festival has been the national statutory holiday and that China's folk customs handed down from generation to generation!

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